
Made with organic, unrefined, first cold-pressed sunflower oil; organic, cold-pressed coconut oil; organic beeswax; organic shea butter; hemp seed oil, camphor oil, turmeric oil, stinging nettle, arnica oil & 2500mg CBD.


Made with organic, unrefined, first cold-pressed sunflower oil; organic, cold-pressed coconut oil; organic beeswax; organic shea butter; hemp seed oil, camphor oil, turmeric oil, arnica oil & 500mg CBD.


One ounce bottle contains 100mg CBD in MCT (fractionated coconut) oil.


One ounce bottle contains 250mg CBD in MCT (fractionated coconut) oil.


One ounce bottle contains 500mg CBD in MCT (fractionated coconut) oil.


One ounce bottle contains 1000mg CBD in MCT (fractionated coconut) oil.


One ounce bottle contains 2000mg CBD in MCT (fractionated coconut) oil.